The suggestions here are only suggestions.

This website is to inspire you to find your 8 people to live life with.

As we learn to walk our faith out, we see it is in fellowship that we can do the best. Building and supporting in the most positive of ways to run your authentic race. There is no formula. No one is the same. Praise God for that. We are each as different as our eyes or our fingerprints. We deserve to explore who we are without a blueprint of a robot to copy. 

These blogs are designed to help you find you, and your support team in the way of the Trinity. I have found it is important to have 8 people in that team. The team can be flexible. Sometimes it ebbs and flow and people are replaced or added. If you are used to only the 2 people in your team you might give thought to expanding it. If you have 30 people you might want to refine the levels of importance and give job titles to your team. (not for real) I mean categorize the relationship so you only are clear with why are they in your life. People are not disposable but not all friends are the best-bestest friend.

Building a Shekinah Glory Circle may not be the 8 people but may help you to grow and add to your team. Like your mother and father and college best friend may never come to a group but they maybe a foundation of your team.

Click the Blogs for 16 different blogs

The most recent ideas to explore as a group. We welcome your input. If you have a blog or an article, please send it to and we will review it and consider placing it in for that week’s blog.

We suggest you keep your groups small. If you want to attend more than one group great, but to allow each to share 8 members is a good number. 

Place a time span to meet like 5 weeks, 8 weeks or 10 weeks, it is up to you. With 8 people each hosting 8 weeks might work. Then see if the group wants to extend it time being a group.

Be kind. Not everyone will stay and not every group will succeed. People may move out of the area or choose to start a new group when it gets too big, and of course personalities don't always fit. We will have a blog on how to deal with misfitting personalities kindly. 

Each Section below will have ideas to consider when setting up your week of hosting. 

It is recommended to rotate locations and host. Food does not need to be involved or could be a focus. It is your choice.

Each time try to include a few staples, set a time span for meeting.

   Like prayer to the Creator

   Like sharing a good thing that happened

   Doing an activity together

Doing an activity together

After a few times you will learn the talents and skills of your members and the doing something will come easy. 
One can share their gardening tip, one can share their cooking tips or one can bring a fun cooking or painting project to do. 
One day a year my family makes tamales enough to freeze for the year. It is so much fun but it takes all day and then a party to eat some of our tamales with our families.

Give gratitude to God for the pro-vision He has of you.

God is a Good-Good God and is your provider and He has a plan for you to be joyous. Help each other find that plan.
May God bless you on this journey.

Note: No one is in charge, however if you chose a secretary to email everyone it helps keep the group informed.

Send questions to with Questions in the subject line.

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