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Why an Egg for Easter

Three stories about an Egg for Easter

Why an Egg for Easter

Easter Stories for adults to read and enjoy with their children

By Mary Leonard ©2020

Have you ever wondered why the eggs at Easter? 

Here are three stories my parents told me. You can use one or both to tell your children about the egg and its symbolization. No story is perfect and need a parent’s elaboration. The mystery of God and Jesus is a deep one and condensing it to a child’s story is not perfect. Enjoy reading these and then creating one for your family.

Story 1 “Three Parts in One Egg”

 I loved Easter best of all the feast days. My parents told me this story of the Easter egg. I asked, “Why do we have eggs for Easter? Is it because hens are laying lots of eggs in Spring?” Mother laughed. “So logical, but no!”

The egg represents the 3 persons of God. Like we have a mind a body and a spirit, so does God. He made us like himself 3 parts in one; so, we could understand Him more.”

The egg has 3 parts. It has a protective shell the holds it all together and is porous so the chick can breathe through it. It has a yolk that brings new life. It has a white that feeds the new life. 

The shell symbolizes God protecting us. The yolk represents Jesus who brought new life in the relationship of Father God to the people. The white symbolizes the Holy Spirit who brings growth in our faith; in our growth of knowing Father God. My mother used the 3 parts of the egg to help us understand the meaning of the triune God of Christianity.

Man needs to hear, see, feel and understand to learn, so symbolism is a good way to teach people, especially with a younger child or a new Christian. 

 Story 2 The Broken Egg is Made New

Once upon a time there was a lonely triune God. The egg represents the God with no beginning and no end. The Alpha and the Omega. The One who always was, who is, who always will be, and who will come again.

He lived in a void. He had himself, his son and his spirit, to keep him company. One day they decided to make some new friends, people. These people were very special among his creations. God had lots of love to give. So, they planned and planned and then, they said, “the word” and created all the universes. 

The 3 persons of God were wise and knew everything before it happened. All the universes were written in a book. Each of the days of His newly created friends days were written in that book too. 

So, before they left the void, they knew, Easter was going to happen. They knew one of God “persons” must come to earth and show man the way back to their creator. Over time His created men, women, and children became confused. They lost their close connection with God.

God was tired of being alone once again. God wanted to heal the relationship between man and himself. Just like when your friend hurts you and you want to forgive them and be friends again. From the beginning God knew this separation from man would happen someday. He knew His created people could not reconnect with him through their own efforts.

God loved His created people very, very much. Jesus, the person of God that became man lived a perfect life, but was sacrificed, killed and buried. The people who were to be his friends, lied and bulled him, until he was hung on a cross to die. 

After Jesus was buried, he defeated death and came back to life. His death was the cure that healed the friendship between people with the God the creator.

Jesus went to be with his Father and Holy Spirit in heaven. The triune God, Father and Son and Spirit were once again together in heaven. The story of Jesus amazed all the people on earth. Some did not believe it was true. But it was.

Years later people still remembered the time when Jesus died, then rose from the dead and went to heaven. They called it “Easter”. Now we know the story of Easter. The egg became a symbol of the Easter story.

Story 3 - Nine Short Thoughts About How the Easter Egg is A Symbol of New Life

1. My mother said the empty shell represents the broken heart of Father God when we are not close to his heart. When we believe that Jesus rose from the dead and is making a place for us in heaven then both Father God’s heart and our heart are filled with joy! The Easter egg was now together again.

2. The whole egg can also represent the rock the blocked the entrance to the tomb where Jesus was buried. Because of Jesus victory over death, the tomb became empty. Some say the empty half shell of the egg represents the empty tomb, left behind when Jesus left.

3. We welcome the teacher, Holy Spirit to show us the way to Father God’s light, which is why it is the white of the egg. That way we live a good life, in the protection of the shell and have a new life with all its nutrients. The shell symbolizes God protecting us. The yolk represents Jesus who brought new life in the relationship of Father God to the people. The white symbolizes the Holy Spirit who brings growth in our faith; in our growth of knowing Father God. My mother used the 3 parts of the egg to help us understand the meaning of the triune God of Christianity.

4. The fertilized egg becomes a chick grows to produces more eggs. God send his son to become man and redeem man so there could be more men, women and children in heaven. The chick represents, Jesus rebirth, through fertilization and the newness of life. 

5. As Jesus conquered the grave, he gave us the gift to populate heaven. First by each of us becoming a new man and shedding the sin man and allowing us to share the gift of grace with our fellow humans. The chick breaks out of the tomb and fly’s away to heaven with us.

6. Birth of the chick (Jesus) brought rebirth on all the land. A new gift of life, hope and communion with Father God. All was made right and Father God forgave all the wrong doing of man. Invite them all to His family. 

God said, “We must have a feast and welcome all my people to come and rejoin the family. Let them meet their brother Jesus.” All were welcome. But some were too busy, or did not see what had happened and they did not come to the feast. Some wise people realized that God made a special place for those whose came to the feast, in heaven. 

Jesus had given them the freedom to join the 3 persons of God, we call the Trinity, in heaven forever. 

We have a feast on earth, Easter to tell God, Yes! Thank you for your son, Jesus and our reunion. Eggs were a part of the feast.

We have and egg roll to say yes, I believe the rock was rolled away from the tomb and Jesus is risen. 

7. We celebrate, our new life with the chicks and we witness the 3 in one Triune God, like us in the representation of the 3 parts of the egg. Protection, nourishment and life like our mind body and spirit. Now Holy Spirit comforts them and lives inside them.

8. Easter is a day to respect the awe and mystery of God and join with others. We will live in heaven with, to worship God and join in sister and brotherhood with Jesus. 

9. When I was a child, we took our Easter Basket to church and placed the food for dinner and all our candy, eggs and gifts for God’s blessings on them. I realize that the Father’s blessings do make all things better. So, I pass the peace and blessing to you on this outstanding Easter.


Excerpt for Seven Silver Coins


I saw a vision of people at a large desk, one was an agent, perhaps a realtor or an attorney. I cannot say with any certainty what kind of agent it was. The agent was handing out contracts to sign for deeds to representatives of about ten families. The deeds were from all over the western states. The families were trading paid-off homes. They were moving to streets in a community owned by their families. Historically wounded people were reuniting and moving to live on the same streets with their blood relatives. This relocation was a huge, cumbersome task but the agent seemed well capable in completing it. There was no money exchanged. That was the dream I received.

My prophetic words come from many places: a complete download, dreams, open visions, feelings, hearing, knowing and seeing. Many times, they are intertwined. Sometimes He will take me back to an earlier vision or talks to me to append more. 

Perhaps like the time where I dreamed that a friend of mine was being attacked and it felt so real and so “now”, but was meant to be a warning. I warned my friend, then it happens or is postponed until a time in the future. A few years ago, an attack was actually stopped.  I warned her a month before it happened, only a month. Sometimes I have waited as much as 45 years to see other messages come to pass. It is God’s plan and God’s timing. God is in control. My job is only to warn. Not to worry or to fret. Let go and let God.

The above dream implies to me that the prodigals are coming home. The wounded are going to reconcile. They are going to find a way to move nearer to each other but not necessarily in the same home.  Again, God’s timing.

God has been working with me for several years on covenants and inheritances. Both are timely and important aspects of relationships. In Moses’ time five women demanded their fathers’ land and God gave it to them. The concept of inheritance is important today. God gives us inheritances to steward for future generations. 

We are going to learn to have a new relationship with money and resources. The root of all evil is the love of money, not money itself. It is how we steward money that is significant. Stewarding for future generations is an essential part of inheritance.

Finding a way to love, share and support emotionally, spiritually and physically our family and close loved ones is very important too. However, we are not to become codependent. Each of us needs to be responsible for our personal boundaries, choices and responses while loving and providing emotional support to others.

From the Abundance and Faith chapters you saw God is the focus and you must invite God into everything. Families come with gene pools of talent. My family has engineers, musicians and preachers. Your talents will be used to launch your new lives. We are here to practice for our life in heaven. I am a painter, preacher, teacher, event planner, writer, wife and mother. I spend time imagining what heaven will be like. Yes, once I was caught-up into heaven for a short while, but it was not long enough to know where I would live or what I will do either now or in eternity.

Families will be about bringing heaven to earth. Which includes having fun, spending time together, sharing life’s milestones and celebrating. God loves to see us celebrate. The most fun is eating cake! Food seems to be a part of most celebrations. Even in the bible we see celebrations. 

Celebrate, praise and worship God. The last time I preached, it was a “God and Country” sermon, afterwards I emphasized that eating cake was a prophetic act to show God we are in-line with His desires for us to be happy. Seeing His hand in our future.

Understand your personal sovereignty, you are the child of the Most-High-God with rights by birth. No one can remove them. When threatened or pressured to violate your sovereignty, learn your responsibility to yourself. Protect your sovereignty. 

He is talking about removing (some) frustration and irritations like bioweapons, weather manipulation, evil storms, poisons in the air and food systems, being debt slaves, or indentured slaves. I believe our lives will be free to design the talents we were sent here to develop. Like being a co-creator with God, dancers and parents. All the jobs we have been dreaming about but never have the time or money to do.

I believe that as God opens our eyes to His design, we will be much more satisfied in life and sharing our lives with others. God’s world is about creating and sharing.

In the time of Noah, there was a remnant of eight people. We need to secure that group of eight remnant people for our lives. This group of people will be a critical addition to your family. Your faith-based group will be the icing on your cake for celebrations. They are the ones who walked with you through your trials and tests and now are ready and able to celebrate your successes. 

I see churches changing so much it is unfathomable to even write. I am not clear on the future of churches as to size or type, only that they will be unified in the gospel, praise and worship, integrated with your family and using the arenas and stadiums that were built for evil worship will be repurposed for worshiping God. Oh yes, I have suspicions, but He has not confirmed, nor even told me, so I will not include them here.

Your relationship with you is the most interesting part. Healthy living is changing drastically. Our daily routines (like taking nutrients, exercise and even bodily functions) are going to be very different. Faith in God to heal you totally.

I have learned so much about how the enemy has taken and destroyed our ability to absorb nutrients and use food as a medicine. God told me in about 2012 that He was bringing a revival that was bigger than Pentecost or the Red Sea. 

Now we are watching many of the giants in the land fall. Big tech, mass media, big corporations, big oil, big food production conglomerates, many politicians, other nations and one-world organizations, global financial fiat money like the petrodollar, giant churches and, most importantly, big pharma. They are all going down right before our eyes.

Many idols (giants) are failing and falling. A few years ago, if I wrote this you would have thought I was crazy. Now you can clearly see it happening. You are not alone. Even many sports giants will fail. Covid did an excellent job of highlighting problems to show us a better way. God always takes what evil wants to destroy us and makes it good. Praise God!

Covid did an excellent job of pointing out that the synergy of government, media and medicine working hand-in-hand has a great impact on our health. God wants us to come to Him first. The Creator made the fruit to eat and the leaves to heal. It is necessary to have a prayer team that can pray and anoint you for healing not just secular medicine. That is part of the future healing. 

With all the changes it will be so much easier to make personal routines shorter and more successful. It is truly shocking all the hidden ways that evil has been trying to destroy us. John 10:10 reminds us that the enemy of our souls comes as a thief only to steal, kill and destroy. 

Have no fear, God has the plan. God always wins. God is for you. Jesus is your healer. Jesus’ name is above all names and all diseases.

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