Holy Spirit Message

How do you discern the message from Holy Spirit? that will be the next discussion.

excerpt form Seven Silver Coins

August 15, 2022 Prophetic Word

As I see the blue fog of the Lord’s love engulf the globe, I can feel the future. There is such a feeling of joy, celebration and hope. A vision once again so real as if you are living it now. This is the third time I remember the same type of vision. 

More than a decade ago was the first. It was a silk feathery light blue blanket of love floating over the planet and covering all the earth. The love and joy were immense with a fullness of God and an unrealized freedom. The human condition was in tune with the principles of the kingdom on earth; from shore-to-shore globally released from the sins and iniquities of the past, to true freedom, to love our Lord, a new future. Words like joy, celebration, peace and hope are heard as the Holy Spirit moves through the world on a gentle wind of revival. This will bring a new vision to all.

REVIVAL is total! Totally here! Now! The Glory Angels are sent out. Well, we know from my half a century of prophetic words, I have no understanding of now. However, it is the third vision and it feels like now. Time will tell.

We are on the threshold of a miracle. A move of God has already started in this time. He says its magnitude is such that has never been seen on earth before. Praise God! 

I see in the vision: justice is served; the voting machines are destroyed, crushed underwater. Yes, hangings have happened. Rulers have been removed and much more is to come. Replaced by God. Joy, joy, joy beyond measure. I see people dancing and spinning in the air! I hear singing and music, breakthroughs happening rapidly like a volcano or earthquake, and freedom everywhere. I smell wonderful food for a grand celebration. 

He says, “Slaves no more. Slaves no more.” The Lord is releasing us all from bondage. From a freedom that was fake through and through. From a freedom that was declared yet not ever realized. A freedom from a spiritual realm dictator. A worldwide terrorist was inhabiting a few bad men and women at their desire for power and money. 

I feel the desolation all around. I see the carnage of this terror. “But for God!” He said, “The giants are falling, the mountains are moving, the mountains are crumbling, the chains are breaking, enough is enough and God’s love is flowing.” I know the pain, yet I see the end of tyranny. He says, “Call it in.” I agree with the will of God that the enemy from within is bound and subdued. The enemy is destroyed and heaven is invading earth. The Lord’s kingdom is being built.

“Like at the walls of Jericho, shout and see the walls fall! Shout and know I am God. Shout and freedom will come.”

“We are free. We are free. Freedom never tasted so good.” That is from a song God gave me December 19, 2019. It is a “now word.”

Jesus is our inheritance and we are His. He gave us great authority and we are sleeping on the job. God is awakening us to our duties as watchers and doers. God is giving us greater authority in this time of His glory. Glorious days of freedom. He has removed the barriers, taken down the giants, made rubble of the mountains and now His remnant is to build creatively His new mountains of influence.

God has renamed the mountains of influence to include Him and His will for His children.

I see heaven coming to earth. I see breakthroughs for all God’s people. Today He spoke to me about the two-tiered justice system we have been subjected to for centuries. He said, “I am turning them on their heads, upside down, inside out, and DONE!” Praise the Lord!

In 2019 God replied to my question, “God, will there ever be justice?” God said, “YES! It will be like hail! Sudden, complete, swift and pinpointed. Its memory will melt away like Sodom and Gomorrah, gone. The Justice Angel has been sent. It will be two tiered like the Red Sea Exodus. My children are saved, America is saved, Israel is saved and their enemies are gone. Choose your side, the verdict is being counted and it is over.” Praise the Lord.

God said, “As heaven invades earth there will be no circling back to the old normal. NO! It is gone forever! Those evil ways are not My ways. My ways are higher than man’s or baal’s ways. Each mountain will be new. Each will be made by My children to prosper the world. I will show great favor to My children. I have given them new authorities. I am pouring out my end times giftings on them now. As heaven invades earth it will include Me, your God in it. You are not alone. I am walking with you, Jesus is in you, and My Spirit is compelling you to see from new perspectives.”

In this new vision of freedom, I received new names for the mountains of influence – Abundance, Faith, Relationships, Communication, Responsibility, Arts and Understanding. In the next chapters, I will include the new names and how they manifest, with some comments from God. Like, “Are you ready for My remnant to build with My help? Fill the lands with My glory. Build, subdue, call it in. Call in your future. Fear not, I am with you.”

God wants our questions. How do I do this? He will tell you. We must incorporate God in everything. He will show us how to include Him. “Don’t get caught up in the words, that is their game. Feel, know, see and hear Me, your God.” 

A year or so ago, I had a dream that God gave me seven beautiful, bread-plate size silver metal coins all different and rare. He spread them out like a fan of cards. I awed at them for a while. Then I started to try to use them. Next, I found out that they open and close things. They stay with me always, like a key. I realized they were keys. Then I realized that He had trained me up in all mountains. 

I thought that was a cool blessing. Then I realized that these were keys to building the new mountains. Wow! I have come so far. Starting as a warrior with a sword, to holding a scepter and now I was honored to be holding seven beautiful keys. He said, “The war is real and it is almost over. It is time to prepare for a time of no war.” WOW how?

“How, God?” I hear words like: “Give thanks, gratitude, respect, honor, mercy, celebrate, praise and worship. Use your mouth to create good things for My children. Use your hands to build good things to bless and love My children. It is about My children and the children. Use your feet to spread the Gospel. Remember your covenant and your inheritance. Remember the word and study it. Remember My Son’s sacrifice and plead His blood for all your needs,” said God.

God continued, “What was will not be again. It will be so different, but I, God, will help you. Surrender to the new. Don’t compare or look back. I will be good. I am good. I have released 20 million children from trafficking in the last 5 years. I have trained up strong good leaders to replace the evil ones to help you. However, it will not be like before! You will need to assume responsibility for yourself and your lineage. You will need to learn about your birthrights and personal sovereignty. Your governments will no longer be your gods or idols. You can do it! Take the reins. You will rule and reign with Jesus. Yourselves, your cities, your countries and your world will be in your hands as it should have been all along.”

God, your deliverer, said, “You can walk away from the open bird cage. You can fly! Shout for joy. Sing a new song. Be of good cheer. Shoot for the stars, you might hit the moon!” Ha Ha! I feel Him laughing. He knows that last statement is one I use for 30 plus years with my students, often.

“Peace be with you and in this glorious transition, My children. Don’t strive! Thrive! I have it all in My hands. Feel My love! None are missed.”

Praise the Lord. Amen and Amen

Last night He downloaded the above. I wrote quickly. I realized it was like a chapter to a book. Soon I would understand it was a book. When you add the understanding of where He is taking us in the near future to the new names and explanations of the New Era Mountains of Influence it is a book.

Recently I have spent a few months working on the future mountains with Him. I gave a lecture about them in June 2022 and again in July 2022. In the next chapters, I write about the future changes I see.

Freedom is Here!

It is going to be so amazing. Imagine no idols and only the true God loving you. Put yourself in this new freedom. See yourself on a new mountain. How will you change it? You are not conquering it. It has been delivered to you. Make it good now. Add God to it. 

First possess yourself as a sovereign being. You have all power over the enemy through Christ. Then proceed to possess your mountains one at a time. In case you did not read the last sections, your mountain is the area of influence you know and are willing to drastically change forever. For instance, I would be willing to die on the mountain of religiosity, to change it to kingdom faith. What would you like to achieve? It is your time to do it.

If you imagine making a film in the future without porn, vulgarity, frustration and ploys of evil, what would it look like? If all that comes out of your mouth is blessings and goodness, would you make a mighty film. Dream! 

God gives you your destiny. You do not create your destiny! But God uses your dreams to help you achieve your destiny for His desires. He plants hope and directions in your heart, follow the good ones. Praise God.

Some people come into their destiny in childhood. For others, it is their death that changes the world. Others grow in their talents and kingdom skills and suddenly something happens that is God bringing your destiny. 

We are arrogantly told to make your destiny happen. We are not in charge of that. We can only be obedient and be where God needs us to achieve His will and that puts us in place for our destiny. God creates our Destiny!

New names for the mountains of influence are Abundance, Faith, Relationships, Communication, Responsibility, Arts and Understanding.

Everything is changing. It is changing now. Suddenly it is all different. ALL Different!!!! God has been talking to me for a while about the awesome future we are moving into. Yes, to a freedom we never tasted before, nor did our ancestors. They prayed as we did, that it would come. It is no accident you are here now.

God promised that He would heal our land if we prayed and turned from our wicked ways. God saw that we had and so did generations and generations before us. He promised if you love Me and honor your parents, it will be well for 1000 generations of your lineage. The bowls of incense, intercession and prayer have worked. Don’t listen to the nay-sayers or the mass media. They are spreading rumors of bad news. 

My God takes what the enemy means for evil and turns it for good. You are about to see many stunning, suddenly over-the-top, amazing miracles as He keeps His word in a big way.

You were born for this very time. There are no accidents in God’s plan. The new mountains of influence will change everything. We will see baal worship is gone. 

We worship God! Not the government. God is in it all. We are blessed beyond measure. Blessings from praying ancestors are being realized now. Each mountain will be created from scratch. No looking to the past. The past did not work. 

Remember to teach your children what you saw that didn’t work. So, they will never allow it again. You were a slave. Most of you did not even know it. Favor and goodness all come from God. The new will include Him. Praise opens the door to the Throne Room and worship lets your prayers be heard. Praise God always.

As I asked God questions about the mountains, He showed me visions and explained things. Then He took me to scripture. 

I am not perfect, nor am I a visionary. I am only humbly curious and in love with my Creator. We are prophetic only in part. 

As we, the Holy Spirit and I, have played with paint for 50 plus years, we spent time talking about many things. This is an offshoot of that. You can ask Him questions too. My personal quote is “The answer is not as important as the question.” Also “The question is more important than the answer.” Artist Mary Leonard

I teach my prophetic students to write down the myriad of questions to ask, so you can figure out which one He is answering. We have many exercises to help in hearing the answer.

I asked questions like; “I see hundreds of millions of people changing or losing their jobs. How will they provide for their families.” Then He spoke about a wealth transfer. I said, “I see entire industries like major league sports falling and being repurposed. Is this so?” 

God answered “Yes.” I ask, “Will we learn new awesome things to work on.” God answered “Yes, you will be so pleased, the world will be so prosperous but free, using free will to choose Me, in My will for My glory.”

It is so necessary to fulfill God’s will, be obedient and remove all obstacles, pray, command, decree, declare and go to the courts of heaven. If you have angel armies, send them on specific missions. Tear down all strongholds and replace them with Holy Spirit. Keep a record of the missions. It will help you to know where to send more. When you hear bad news send your angel army to restore the situation to God’s will.

When I was in a church on a healing prayer team a little less than a decade ago, I saw a demon trip an intercessor, she did not even realize it. I bound and imprisoned him and replaced it with an angel. That angel was present there for more than 5 years. One day someone said, “Why did the angel leave?” I was not sure; I did not specify a time span nor did I say go. God must have repurposed it.

To top it all off the enemy has resided in heaven for a long time before he was exiled here and has seen God’s plans. The enemy tries to copy those plans before God does them. The pretenders try to make us believe the end is here now. It is not! For many decades I have been expressing my frustration that the concept of “sitting on the couch and waiting” for God is a ploy of the enemy. The revival is here; not the rapture.

While evil pretends to have a health plan (false). A money plan, Peter to Paul wealth transfer is not what God is talking about. Not taxes. Only God’s wealth is in multiplication. His wealth is multi-faceted. Is an evil wealth a false wealth (true). It is a carrot to keep you working for them. It is all about control! And depopulation! Not the plan God has. We need to look through God’s eyes and see life abundantly, now.” 

I asked God, “When did we lose our country?” 

He replied, “It was soon after you won it.” He explained, “Most heinous to our covenant with God was when America allowed the courts to over reach and rule on the Board of Education and Roe V Wade, because that action destroyed the three branches of government and broke our God given Constitution. America allowed the courts to assume authority that was not theirs to assume. The courts wanted to create more power to buy votes and control your brothers and sisters through indoctrinating education.” 

God said, “They destroy My creation in the womb. Pretending they were gods and could create something. They were disguising disgusting baal worship to keep My precious children from achieving their kingships on earth.”

Kingships are the children of God ruling and reigning on earth as it is in heaven. The children of God must use their souls to rule both in the God’s spirit realms and in physical realms. The will of God is in the hearts of His children and the scriptures. Scripture in Luke 19:40 paraphrasing says even the rocks cry out for the children of God to be heard.

In Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge …. 

We see the children of God are not being fed the knowledge of their true identities in their churches. God has to remove so many man-made barriers to have the children of the Lord see the workings of the kingdom and their place in it. He is removing the false doctrine that a priest or leader needs to talk to God for you. You are capable of talking to and with God on your own. 

Prophetic people see in part so the mirror is not totally clear. I will cover each mountain individually. Conceptually, I will continue explaining the process of finding out the information.

He has been giving me prophetic words since, I was about 6 years old. My sister had a miracle that started a charismatic movement. The prophetic was normal in my house. Both my parents flowed in the gifts and fruits. 

Both My husband and I were raised in the Catholic Church in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. My husband’s Catholic experience back then was so different than mine. The Holy Spirit flowed there too but not in the same way. Now we are both Charismatic Christians.

If God wants to use you, He will. Ask and you might receive.

Early in the morning or in the middle of the night is a great time to talk with God. Then you can do it anytime. I find He is particularly talkative at night. Ask a question before bed. Have a pad of paper nearby. Remember when God is active your body may be deep asleep but your mind is wide awake. Sometimes you are positive that you never slept. Yet you did. Check in with your body not your mind and see if your body seems to have just woken from a deep sleep.

God loves questions. So, ask a question before you go to sleep. In the twilight of morning listen before you move. See if He is still talking. Say, God please seal it to my soul so that I will not lose it. Thank Him for the conversation. Ask for more.

Thank you, God, Creator of the whole entire universe or cosmos for talking with me. He loves praise and worship. Honor Him. Don’t take Him for granted. Say thank You often in a day like for food, sleep, conversation, His Son’s sacrifice, for making your mansion. Anticipate, He always wants to communicate. 

Remembering Jesus sacrifice is a conversation with Jesus and God as we take our daily communion. We are remembering the free gift of salvation and sharing the remembrance as He asked us to do.

Include the Trinity in your thoughts and in verbal conversation like the friends they are. Grumbling about life gets in the way of hearing. It is like you have a negative friend you avoid, Debby Downer. It is sometimes that way with God. He will let you work out your rebellion and give you a time-out. Attitude matters.

The next chapters are for you to ask God questions. To explore where and how you are going to fit in the bold, bright new world. One new mountain at a time. Take notes as you read and see what the God of the impossible is saying to you.

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